Tuition and Enrollment
Tuition Policy
Tuition is due each Monday, for the upcoming week, at the time your child enters the center. Our tuition system is set up to automatically apply tuition and late fees. A late fee of $25 is charged to any account with a remaining balance on Tuesday at 6PM. This is non-negotiable and late fees CANNOT BE REMOVED. If your account is two weeks past due your childcare services will be terminated. A service fee of $40 will be charged for returned checks. After the occurrence of two returned checks, cash or money orders will be required on all future tuition payments.
Tuition is due each week your child is enrolled at a Kids' Kampus location, whether present or absent. After six months of enrollment, two "tuition-free vacation weeks" are allowed per calendar year. These must be pre-approved by the director. You MUST fill out a Vacation Request Form. These weeks must fall at least six months apart. For this to be considered a "tuition-free vacation week" your child must not be present at any time during these approved weeks. Registration fee is due yearly in September.
Requirements For First Day Attendance
- Registration Fee (Non-refundable, Due annually in September)
- Erollment Application: Signed with no blanks
- Form 121 Certificate of Immunization Compliance
- First week's tuition
Parents are required to maintain current MS State Department of Health Immunization Record Form 121s while your child is enrolled at the center. Failure to comply with this standard after 10 days will result in your child not being allowed to return.
Click here for a printable version of the Kids' Kampus Enrollment Application and the Childcare Contract.
Withdrawal Notification
A two weeks notice is required prior to withdrawal of a child from the center, for any reason. If a notice cannot be given, you will be responsible for tuition for the following two weeks at the regular set rate.